Logo: FlexBio Technologie - Energie aus Abwasser

Food processing

Your advantages at a glance

The food industries produce wastewater which is characterized by high COD and nitrogen loads. In conventional wastewater treatment plants, these entered loads result in high amounts of sewage sludge and high energy requirements.


Close up of chocolates made by a pastry chef and professional equipment

We have the perfect solution for you.

The entered fats and COD loads are converted into energy-rich biogas by the unique FlexBio wastewater treatment. This process ensures that the waste streams are significantly reduced. This means that you do not have to costly dispose of the flota grease. In addition, you produce up to 20% of the total energy requirements of your company directly from the wastewater.

We present solutions for direct discharge as well as indirect discharge into the neighboring wastewater treatment plant. By using our effective cleaning technology, there are no heavy pollution charges or other surcharges on the wastewater tax.

Technology in practice

The FlexBio wastewater technology effectively and inexpensively cleans the wastewater produced by food manufacturers. Regardless of whether you produce / process potatoes, juices or beer, wastewater treatment does its job at the highest level. The FlexBio systems are offered as compact and modular container solutions or in a classic container design. The decisive advantage of FlexBio technology is that our systems are also economical for smaller companies.

The raw sewage is first passed through a separator / drum screen in order to separate impurities and coarse materials. The wastewater is then temporarily stored in a storage tank and homogenized. The wastewater then goes to the main cleaning stage of the plant: the anaerobic high-performance fermenter. Here, the fats and organic compounds entered are converted into biogas using the biological process of methanogenesis. At this stage, over 90% of the loads are reduced. This does not result in any material flows that have to be disposed of. The wastewater that has been pre-treated in this way is treated aerobically in the second treatment stage. In this stage, the remaining impurities are removed from the wastewater.

The biogas produced can be used for energy directly in a CHP or a gas boiler and thus provided as sustainable energy for your company. If necessary, the biogas can also be used to produce compressed air or cold.

The system is designed for changing loads. Even strong shock loads are buffered and therefore have no influence on the discharge values . The process values can be set individually and permanently guaranteed by the intelligent process management. Regardless of whether you introduce indirectly and only have to comply with a COD limit value or whether you, as a direct discharger, also have to comply with other limit values such as BOD5, total nitrogen, nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, phosphates, etc., the FlexBio portfolio always offers the right solution.

a biogas plant from the inside

We are looking forward to your inquiry

Technical Sales
Alexander Schiffer,
Karsten Wabnitz,
Ulf Behrens

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