Logo: FlexBio Technologie - Energie aus Abwasser


Cooperation for the best quality

Reliability, strength and individual solutions

We work together with various companies and partners to ensure that you benefit as much as possible from our anaerobic biological wastewater treatment plants. Our strong network has already proven to be a perfect solution in a wide variety of projects.

Together we can react to special requirements and wastewater and offer you individual solutions for your initial situation. We guarantee you quality, reliability and first-class service.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact us using our contact form.

Zwei Hände, die das selbe Puzzleteil in der Hand halten
Logo Huber Wärmetechnik
Logo of the competence center 3N in the colors green and blue
small HAWK logo in dark gray and white
Gehrig logo in dark brown
Logo Fraunhofer IWES
Logo Snow Leopard Projects in black and white and with a leopard
Gregio logo
EurA venture logo in blue and yellow on a transparent background
Logo DWA member
Logo Schaumann in blue with five blue stars and one yellow star arranged in a circle above the name
Logo FNR in the colors yellow green
Logo NBank with the slogan we promote Lower Saxony in the colors yellow and blue on a white background
Logo of the University of Rostock with a blue round small painting and the slogan Traditio et Innovation
Logonahec in the colors green, blue and white
Logo von Member of German Water Partnership
Logo ttz Bremerhaven with three red dots in the foreground, behind a blue square box and behind it a broad yellow brushstroke
Logo Bavarian Beer eV with the slogan unique in the world on a banderole and a symbol with a lion